Source code for OBIA4RTM.S2_PreProcessor.s2_sen2core_attcor

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jul 31 12:32:24 2019

This module is part of OBIA4RTM.
It is part of the (optional) Sen2Core preprocessing wrapper addon that takes
care about image preprocessing (i.e atmospheric correction) using Sen2Core
software (see:

NOTE: Sen2Core must be installed on your computer!

NOTE: Windows users might have to add the GDAL binaries (they come with OSGEO)
to their PATH variable

Copyright (c) 2019 Lukas Graf

@author: Lukas Graf,
import os
import re
import sys
import shutil
import subprocess
from zipfile import ZipFile
from OBIA4RTM.configurations.logger import get_logger, close_logger

error_message = 'Sen2Core preprocessing failed. Check log.'

[docs]def check_sen2core_installation(path): """ check if Sen2Core is installed and can be used Parameters ---------- path : String user-provided path to Sen2Core installation directory Returns ------- exists : Boolean True, if directory exists and False if tests fail cmd : String command for testing if Sen2Core is working """ # check if the directory as such exists if not os.path.isdir(path): print("The system cannot find the specified path: '{}'".format( path)) exists = False # check if L2A_Process command can be executed # make distinction between Windows and Linux/ OS X (-> posix) platform = if platform == 'posix': cmd = path + os.sep + 'bin' + os.sep + 'L2A_Process --help' else: cmd = path + os.sep + 'L2A_Process.bat --help' # try to execute the command out = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) res = out.communicate() # read the output of the stderr from the pipe stderr = res[1].decode() # check if an error was produced if stderr != '': print('Sen2Core seems not be installed in the specified path!') exists = False # otherwise everything should work exists = True return exists, cmd
[docs]def call_sen2core(sentinel_data_dir, zipped, resolution, path_sen2core): """ calls Sen2Core and runs it on a downloaded Sentinel 1C dataset to convert it to Level 2A. The output spatial resolution must be provided (10, 20 or 60 meters) NOTE: If you have already L2 imagery then only run the gdal_merge wrapper and to not use this function Parameters ---------- sentinel_data_dir : String path to the directory that contains the Level-1C data. In case the data is zipped (default when downloaded from Copernicus) specify the file-path of the zip zipped : Boolean specifies if the directory with the Sat data is zipped resolution : Integer spatial resolution of the atmospherically corrected imagery possible value: 10, 20, 60 meters path_sen2core : String directory containing Sen2Core software (top-most level; e.g. /home/user/Sen2Core/). Must be the same directory as specified during the Sen2Core installation process using the --target option Returns ------- sentinel_data_dir_l2 """ # check inputs if zipped: if not os.path.isfile(sentinel_data_dir): print("Error: '{}' does not exist!".format( sentinel_data_dir)) sys.exit(-1) else: if not os.path.isdir(sentinel_data_dir): print("Error: '{}' does not exist!".format( sentinel_data_dir)) sys.exit(-1) # check specified spatial resolution of the result allowed_res = [10, 20, 60] # m if resolution not in allowed_res: print("Error: The specified spatial resolution of {0} is not allowed!\n"\ "Must be one of {1}!".format(resolution, allowed_res)) sys.exit(-1) # check if Sen2Core is installed and working runs, cmd = check_sen2core_installation(path_sen2core) if not runs: print('Error: Sen2Core seems not to work properly!') sys.exit(-1) # after that, enable logging logger = get_logger()'Setting up Sen2Core processing environment for processing '\ '{}'.format(sentinel_data_dir)) # if the data is still zipped unzip if zipped: # extract the parent directory parent_dir = os.path.dirname(sentinel_data_dir) # unzip zip_file = ZipFile(sentinel_data_dir) zip_file.extractall(parent_dir) zip_file.close() # check if everything is OK # new name of sentinel_data_dir is now without ending .zip sentinel_data_dir = sentinel_data_dir.replace('.zip', '') # should be a directory if not os.path.isdir(sentinel_data_dir): logger.error('Unpacking of Sentinel-2 data failed!') close_logger(logger) sys.exit(error_message)"Successfully extracted zipped data to {}".format( sentinel_data_dir)) # endif # now the data is ready for Sen2Core # create the command to run Sen2Core cmd = cmd.replace(' --help', '') cmd = cmd + ' ' + sentinel_data_dir + ' --resolution=' + str(resolution) # call Sen2Core # try to execute the command'Starting Sen2Core processing') out = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # read the communication of the process res = out.communicate() stdout = res[0].decode() stderr = res[1].decode() # write output to file # determine the filename sub_pos = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('_', sentinel_data_dir)] fname = sentinel_data_dir[0:sub_pos[2]] # parent directory parent_dir = os.path.dirname(sentinel_data_dir) # save output of Sen2Core sen2core_stderr = parent_dir + os.sep + 'Sen2Core_' + os.path.basename(fname) + '.stdout' with open(sen2core_stderr, 'a') as out: out.writelines(stdout) sen2core_stdout = parent_dir + os.sep + 'Sen2Core_' + os.path.basename(fname) + '.stderr' with open(sen2core_stdout, 'a') as out: if stderr == '': stderr = 'Sen2Core terminated without errors' out.writelines(stderr) # determine the dir-name of the processed data fname = fname.replace('MSIL1C', 'MSIL2A') # get list of all directories list_dirs = os.listdir(parent_dir) # directory of the L2 data sentinel_data_dir_l2 = '' for directory in list_dirs: sub_pos = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('_', directory)] fname_act = parent_dir + os.sep + directory[0:sub_pos[2]] if fname_act == fname: sentinel_data_dir_l2 = parent_dir + os.sep + directory break if sentinel_data_dir_l2 == '': logger.error('Seems as if Sen2Core failed. Check {} for more info.'.format( sen2core_stdout)) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(error_message)"Success - Processed data is in '{0}. See also {1}'".format( sentinel_data_dir_l2, sen2core_stdout)) # delete the L1C directory in case the data was available as zip to # save disk storage if zipped: shutil.rmtree(sentinel_data_dir, ignore_errors=True) close_logger(logger) return sentinel_data_dir_l2
[docs]def call_gdal_merge(sentinel_data_dir_l2, resolution, storage_dir=None): """ calls the script to make an image layer stack and prepare the imagery for usage in OBIA4RTM. Outputs a GeoTiff with the nine Sentinel-2 bands used in OBIA4RTM and the SCL band that contains the preclassification information. You can use this function also if you L2 data Parameters ---------- sentinel_data_dir_l2 : String path of the directory containing the output of sen2core in L2 level resolution : Integer spatial resolution of the atmospherically corrected imagery possible value: 10, 20, 60 meters storage_dir : String path to the directory the layer stack should be moved to. If None, the layer stack will remain the sentinel_data_dir_l2 in the img folder Returns ------- fname_stack : String file-path to the stacked imagery metadata_xml : String file-path to the metadata xml file """ # enable logging logger = get_logger() # check inputs if not os.path.isdir(sentinel_data_dir_l2): logger.error("Error: '{}' does not exist!".format( sentinel_data_dir_l2)) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(error_message) # resolution allowed_res = [10, 20, 60] # m if resolution not in allowed_res: logger.error("Error: The specified spatial resolution of {0} is not allowed! "\ "Must be one of {1}!".format(resolution, allowed_res)) sys.exit(error_message) # storage directory if storage_dir is not None: if not os.path.isdir(storage_dir): try: os.mkdir(storage_dir) except PermissionError: logger.error("Could not create directory '{}'".format( sentinel_data_dir_l2), exc_info=True)'Formatting sen2core output for OBIA4RTM') # change to the sentinel_data_dir_l2 to avoid endless path names # jump directly into the 'Granule directory' sentinel_data_dir_l2 = sentinel_data_dir_l2 + os.sep + 'GRANULE' os.chdir(sentinel_data_dir_l2) # path to the image bands next_subdir = os.listdir()[0] # now the full path can be constructed sentinel_data_dir_l2 += os.sep + next_subdir os.chdir(sentinel_data_dir_l2) # check if the MTD_TL.xml metadata file can be found if not os.path.isfile('MTD_TL.xml'): logger.warning('No metadata-xml file could be found!') metadata_xml = '' else: metadata_xml = sentinel_data_dir_l2 + os.sep + 'MTD_TL.xml' sentinel_data_dir_l2 += os.sep + 'IMG_DATA' + os.sep + 'R' + str(resolution) + 'm' try: os.chdir(sentinel_data_dir_l2) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error('Could not find {}'.format(sentinel_data_dir_l2), exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(error_message) # get the jp2 files containing the single bands and the SCL information band_files = os.listdir() band_names = ['B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B05', 'B06', 'B07', 'B8A', 'B11', 'B12', 'SCL'] stack_files = [] # loop over the filenames to find the important ones for band_file in band_files: for band_name in band_names: if band_file.find(band_name) != -1: stack_files.append(band_file) break # now the list must be sorted to bring the bands in the correct order stack_files.sort() # check if 10 bands were found try: assert len(stack_files) == 10 except AssertionError: logger.error('Expected 10 bands got {}'.format(len(stack_files)), exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(error_message) # convert list to string stack_files = str(stack_files).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace(',', ' ') # make name of stacked layer file sub_pos = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('_', band_files[0])] prefix = band_files[0][0:sub_pos[1]] fname_stack = prefix + '_merged.tiff' # now everything is ready for running the script # output is GTiff and not Jpeg2000 as there are still some driver problems cmd = ' -of GTiff -separate ' + stack_files + ' -o ' + fname_stack'Running {}'.format(cmd)) out = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) res = out.communicate() stderr = res[1].decode() # check if the command worked if stderr != '': logger.error('gdal_merge failed: {}'.format(stderr)) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(error_message)'Successfully stacked Sentinel-2 bands ({})'.format(fname_stack)) # give the full path fname_stack_short = fname_stack fname_stack = sentinel_data_dir_l2 + os.sep + fname_stack # in case an alternative directory was specified move the metadate file and # the stacked layer file to this directory if storage_dir is not None: # rename the metadata-file and copy it to the storage drive copy = shutil.copy2(metadata_xml, storage_dir + os.sep + prefix + '_MTD_TL.xml') try: assert copy != '' assert copy is not None except AssertionError: logger.error('Copying of metafile failed!', exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(error_message) # move the stacked image os.rename(fname_stack, storage_dir + os.sep + fname_stack_short)"Moved the imagery and the metadata xml to '{}'".format( storage_dir)) # close the logger close_logger(logger) # return the file-paths of the imagery and the metadata return fname_stack, metadata_xml
[docs]def do_sen2core_preprocessing(sentinel_data_dir, zipped, resolution, path_sen2core, storage_dir=None): """ calls the sen2core wrapper and the gdal_merge wrapper to carry out the atmospheric correction and preclassification on Sentinel-1 imagery (L1C level) required for OBIA4RTM. NOTE: If you have already L2 imagery then only run the gdal_merge wrapper and to not use this function Make also sure that gdal_merge can be executed from the command line. NOTE: Windows users might have add the gdal binaries to their PATH!! Parameters ---------- sentinel_data_dir : String path to the directory that contains the Level-1C data. In case the data is zipped (default when downloaded from Copernicus) specify the file-path of the zip zipped : Boolean specifies if the directory with the Sat data is zipped resolution : Integer spatial resolution of the atmospherically corrected imagery possible value: 10, 20, 60 meters path_sen2core : String directory containing Sen2Core software (top-most level; e.g. /home/user/Sen2Core/). Must be the same directory as specified during the Sen2Core installation process using the --target option storage_dir : String path to the directory the final layer stack should be moved to. If None, the layer stack will remain the sentinel_data_dir_l2 in the img folder Returns ------- fname_stack : String file-path to the stacked imagery (required in OBIA4RTM) metadata_xml : String file-path to the metadata xml file (required in OBIA4RTM) """ # run sen2core for atmospheric correction and preclass sentinel_data_dir_l2 = call_sen2core(sentinel_data_dir, zipped, resolution, path_sen2core) # make image stack and identify metadata xml file fname_stack, metadata_xml = call_gdal_merge(sentinel_data_dir_l2, resolution, storage_dir=storage_dir) # return image stack file-path and metadata file path # -> now the data can be used in OBIA4RTM return fname_stack, metadata_xml