Source code for OBIA4RTM.configurations.connect_db

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jul 13 09:44:14 2019

This module is part of OBIA4RTM.

Copyright (c) 2019 Lukas Graf

@author: Lukas Graf,
import os
import sys
from configparser import ConfigParser
import psycopg2
import OBIA4RTM

[docs]def connect_db(): """ connect to PostgreSQL database by using the specifications in 'postgres.ini' File in the root of the OBIA4RTM home directory stored in the user-profile Returns ------- conn : psycopg2 Database connection connection object to PostgreSQL database cursor psycopg2 Database cursor cursor for querying and inserting data from and to PostgreSQL DB """ try: # read the connection parameters from config-file (see template postgres.ini) parser = ConfigParser() directory = os.path.dirname(OBIA4RTM.__file__) postgres_init = directory + os.sep + 'postgres.ini' if not os.path.isfile(postgres_init): print('postgres.ini could not be found!') sys.exit(-1) # and store them in a string conn_str = "host='{}' dbname='{}' user='{}' password='{}'". format( parser.get('POSTGRESQL', 'host'), parser.get('POSTGRESQL', 'dbname'), parser.get('POSTGRESQL', 'username'), parser.get('POSTGRESQL', 'password') ) # open connection conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_str) cursor = conn.cursor() except (psycopg2.DatabaseError) as err: print ("ERROR: Unable to connect to the database") print (err) sys.exit(-1) # return conn und cursor objects return conn, cursor
[docs]def get_db_connection_details(): """ reads and returns the postgres.ini connection details Returns: ------- parser : ConfigParser Object parsed database configurations from postgres.ini file """ try: # read the connection parameters from config-file (see template postgres.ini) parser = ConfigParser() directory = os.path.dirname(OBIA4RTM.__file__) postgres_init = directory + os.sep + 'postgres.ini' if not os.path.isfile(postgres_init): print('postgres.ini konnte nicht gefunden werden!') sys.exit(-1) except (IOError) as err: print ("Reading from postgres.ini failed") print (err) sys.exit(-1) # return conn und cursor objects return parser
[docs]def close_db_connection(con, cursor): """ closes an opened database connection Parameters ---------- con : psycopg2 Database Connection connection to be closed cursor : psycopg2 Database Cursor cursor to be closed """ # check if con is still a valid connection if con is not None: # close first the cursor and then con cursor.close() con.close()