Source code for OBIA4RTM.inversion.handle_prosail_cfg

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jul 13 11:14:32 2019

This module is part of OBIA4RTM.

Copyright (c) 2019 Lukas Graf

@author: Lukas Graf,
import sys
from configparser import ConfigParser
import numpy as np
from OBIA4RTM.configurations.logger import close_logger

[docs]def get_landcover_classes(landcover_cfg): """ get the number and names of the land cover classes stored in the ProSAIL.cfg file Parameters ---------- cfg_file : String path to the land cover configuration file Returns ------- luc_classes : List list of landcover classes (code + semantics) """ parser = ConfigParser() # get the land use classes in the cfg file section = parser.sections() landcover_classes = list(parser.items(section[0])) return landcover_classes
# end get_landcover_classes
[docs]def read_params_per_class(prosail_cfg, landcover_cfg, logger): """ reads in the vegetation parameters for the ProSAIL model for each land cover class Parameters ---------- cfg_file : String path to the ProSAIL configurations file landcover_cfg : String path to the landcover configuration file logger : logging.Logger for recording errors Returns ------- container : Dictionary dict with the ProSAIL parameters per land cover class """ luc_classes = get_landcover_classes(landcover_cfg) # now read in the actual data n_classes = len(luc_classes) # number of land cover classes try: assert n_classes >= 1 except AssertionError: logger.error('Error: >=1 land cover class must be provided!', exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(-1) num_lines_per_luc = 13 # number of lines per land cover class # loop over the land cover classes, store results in dictionary container = dict() try: values = np.genfromtxt(prosail_cfg, skip_header=0) except ValueError: logger.error('Failed to read in the config-File', exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(-1) offset_rows = 0 for section in luc_classes: # read in the params per land cover class using numpy # class_name = section[1] vals_per_class = values[offset_rows:offset_rows+num_lines_per_luc,:] # store in "container" dictionary container[section] = vals_per_class # increment offset_rowsfor next iteration offset_rows += num_lines_per_luc return container
# end read_params_per_class