Source code for OBIA4RTM.setup_db.create_schema

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jul 25 10:15:38 2019

This module is part of OBIA4RTM.

Copyright (c) 2019 Lukas Graf

@author: Lukas Graf,
import os
import sys
from psycopg2 import DatabaseError,ProgrammingError
from configparser import ConfigParser, MissingSectionHeaderError
import OBIA4RTM
from OBIA4RTM.configurations.logger import get_logger, close_logger
from OBIA4RTM.configurations.connect_db import connect_db, close_db_connection

sys_exit_message = 'An error occured during setup of new Postgres schema. Check log!'

[docs]def create_schema(): """ this function is used to generate a new schema in the OBIA4RTM database. In case the schema already exists, nothing will happen. The schema to be created is taken from the obia4rtm_backend.cfg file Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- status : integer zero if everything was OK """ status = 0 # connect to OBIA4RTM database con, cursor = connect_db() # open a logger logger = get_logger()'Trying to setup a new schema for the OBIA4RTM database') # read in the obia4rtm_backend information to get the name of the schema # therefore the obia4rtm_backend.cfg file must be read install_dir = os.path.dirname(OBIA4RTM.__file__) home_pointer = install_dir + os.sep + 'OBIA4RTM_HOME' if not os.path.isfile(home_pointer): logger.error('Cannot determine OBIA4RTM Home directory!') close_logger(logger) sys.exit(-1) with open(home_pointer, "r") as data: obia4rtm_home = backend_cfg = obia4rtm_home + os.sep + 'obia4rtm_backend.cfg' if not os.path.isfile(backend_cfg): logger.error('Cannot read obia4rtm_backend.cfg from {}!'.format( obia4rtm_home)) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(sys_exit_message) # now, the cfg information can be read in using the configParser class parser = ConfigParser() try: except MissingSectionHeaderError: logger.error('The obia4rtm_backend.cfg does not fulfil the formal requirements!', exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(-1) # no get the name of the schema schema = parser.get('schema-setting', 'schema_obia4rtm') try: assert schema is not None and schema != '' except AssertionError: logger.error('The version of your obia4rtm_backend.cfg file seems to be corrupt!', exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(sys_exit_message) # if the schema name is OK, the schema can be created # if the schema already exists in the current database, nothing will happen sql = 'CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {};'.format(schema) cursor.execute(sql) con.commit() # enable PostGIS and HSTORE extension # enable the PostGIS extension # in case it fails it is most likely because the extension was almost # enabled as it should sql = "CREATE EXTENSION PostGIS;" try: cursor.execute(sql) con.commit() except (ProgrammingError, DatabaseError):"PostGIS already enabled!") con.rollback() pass # enable the HSTORE extension sql = "CREATE EXTENSION HSTORE;" try: cursor.execute(sql) con.commit() except (ProgrammingError, DatabaseError): logger.error("HSTORE already enabled!") con.rollback() pass"Successfully created schema '{}' in current OBIA4RTM database!".format( schema)) # after that the schema-specific tables are created that are required # in OBIA4RTM sql_home = install_dir + os.sep + 'SQL' + os.sep + 'Tables' # the tables 's2_inversion_results, s2_lookuptable, s2_objects and s2_inversion_mapping # must be created within the schema # check if the tables already exist before trying to create them sql_scripts = ['s2_lookuptable.sql','s2_inversion_results.sql', 's2_objects.sql', 'inversion_mapping.sql'] # go through the config file to get the table-names table_names = [] table_names.append(parser.get('schema-setting', 'table_lookuptabe')) table_names.append(parser.get('schema-setting', 'table_inv_results')) table_names.append(parser.get('schema-setting', 'table_object_spectra')) table_names.append(parser.get('schema-setting', 'table_inv_mapping')) # the parser can be cleared now as all information is read parser.clear() # iterate through the 4 scripts to create the tables given they not exist for index in range(len(sql_scripts)): sql_script = sql_home + os.sep + sql_scripts[index] table_name = table_names[index] # check if the table already exists exists = check_if_exists(schema, table_name, cursor) # if already exists table log a warning and continue with the next table if exists: logger.warning("Table '{0}' already exists in schema '{1}' - skipping".format( table_name, schema)) continue # else create the table # get the corresponding sql-statment and try to execute it sql_statement = create_sql_statement(sql_script, schema, table_name, logger) try: cursor.execute(sql_statement) con.commit() except (DatabaseError, ProgrammingError): logger.error("Creating table '{0}' in schema '{1}' failed!".format( table_name, schema), exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(sys_exit_message) # log success"Successfully created table '{0}' in schema '{1}'".format( table_name, schema)) # create the RMSE function required for inverting the spectra fun_home = install_dir + os.sep + 'SQL' + os.sep + 'Queries_Functions' rmse_fun = fun_home + os.sep + 'rmse_function.sql' sql_statement = create_function_statement(rmse_fun, logger) try: cursor.execute(sql_statement) con.commit() except (DatabaseError, ProgrammingError): logger.error("Creating function '{0}' failed!".format( rmse_fun), exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(sys_exit_message) # after iterating, the db connection and the logger can be close close_db_connection(con, cursor) close_logger(logger) return status
[docs]def create_sql_statement(sql_file, schema, table_name, logger): """ auxiiliary function to create the sql_statement required to create the specific tables in the DB schema Parameters ---------- sql_file : String file-path to the sql-template containing the sql-statement for creating the table schema : String name of the schema the table should be created in table_name : String name of the table to be created logger : logging.Logger for logging errors Returns ------- sql_statement : String processed and ready-to-execute sql statement """ try: fopen = open(sql_file, "r") lines = fopen.readlines() fopen.close() except IOError: logger.error('Failed to read the SQL-script\nReason:', exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(sys_exit_message) # extract the SQL statement # '--' indicates comments comment = '--' sql_statement = [''.join(f.replace("\n","")) for f in lines if comment not in f] sql_statement = ''.join(map(str, sql_statement)) # now, replace "schema_name" and "table_name" with their actual values sql_statement = sql_statement.replace('schema_name', schema) sql_statement = sql_statement.replace('table_name', table_name) return sql_statement
[docs]def create_function_statement(sql_function, logger): """ create a SQL statement for creating/ replacing a SQL function Parameters ---------- sql_function : String file-path to the sql-function logger : logging.Logger for logging errors Returns ------- sql_statement : String processed and ready-to-execute sql statement """ try: fopen = open(sql_function, "r") lines = fopen.readlines() fopen.close() except IOError: logger.error('Failed to read the SQL-script\nReason:', exc_info=True) close_logger(logger) sys.exit(sys_exit_message) # extract the SQL statement # '--' indicates comments comment = '--' sql_statement = [''.join(f.replace("\n","")) for f in lines if comment not in f] sql_statement = ''.join(map(str, sql_statement)) return sql_statement
[docs]def check_if_exists(schema, table_name, cursor): """ auxiiliary function to check whether a given table exists in a given schema Parameters ---------- schema : String name of the schema the table should be created in table_name : String name of the table to be created cursor : psycopg2 Database Cursor for querying the database Returns ------- exists : Boolean True, if table already exists, False else """ sql = """SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '{0}' AND table_name = '{1}' );""".format( schema.lower(), table_name.lower()) cursor.execute(sql) exists = cursor.fetchone()[0] return exists