Source code for OBIA4RTM.setup_db.setup_postgres

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jul 18 15:08:29 2019

This module is part of OBIA4RTM.

Copyright (c) 2019 Lukas Graf

@author: Lukas Graf,
import os
import sys
from psycopg2 import connect, DatabaseError, ProgrammingError
from psycopg2.extensions import ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT
import OBIA4RTM
from OBIA4RTM.configurations.connect_db import connect_db, close_db_connection
from OBIA4RTM.configurations.connect_db import get_db_connection_details

[docs]class setupDataBase: """ class for setting up a PostgresSQL database as backend for OBIA4RTM """ def __init__(self): """ class constructor """ # set the path to SQL-scripts self.sql_home = os.path.dirname(OBIA4RTM.__file__) + os.sep + 'SQL' self.__postgres_params = get_db_connection_details() # setup connection and cursor to database self.__con, self.__cursor = None, None
[docs] def connect_to_postgres(self): """ connects to default Postgres database running on specified host in postgres.ini file to create the OBIA4RTM Postgres database Returns ------- con : psycopg2 Database Connection Connection to DEFAULT Postges database (not OBIA4RTM database) cursor : psycopg2 Database Cursor Cursor for this default database """ # host and password for DEFAULT postgres database host = self.__postgres_params.get('POSTGRESQL', 'host') pw = self.__postgres_params.get('POSTGRESQL', 'password') # default database name is postgres db_name = 'postgres' # user is postgres db_user = 'postgres' # connect to default database try: con = connect(dbname=db_name, user=db_user, host=host, password=pw) cursor = con.cursor() except DatabaseError as err: print('Connection to default Postgres Database failed!\nReason: {}'.format( err)) return con, cursor
[docs] def create_OBIA4RTM_DB(self): """ create the OBIA4RTM database using the specification of the postgres.uni file Returns ------- status : Integer zero, if everything was OK """ # open connection to default postgres database con, cursor = self.connect_to_postgres() # set autocommit to allow for the creation of databases con.set_isolation_level(ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT) # use the name of the OBIA4RTM database parsed from the postgres.ini file obia4rtm_db_name = self.__postgres_params.get('POSTGRESQL', 'dbname') # parse the SQL script for setting up the database sql_file = self.sql_home + os.sep + 'Tables' + os.sep + 'setup_obia4rtm_db.sql' # try to read in the SQL-statement of the script and replace the # the database-name accordingly try: fopen = open(sql_file, "r") lines = fopen.readlines() fopen.close() except IOError as err: print('Failed to read the SQL-script\nReason: {}'.format(err)) # extract the SQL statement # '--' indicates comments comment = '--' sql_statement = [''.join(f.replace("\n","")) for f in lines if comment not in f] sql_statement = ''.join(map(str, sql_statement)) # replace the default database-name default_db_name = "OBIA4RTM" sql_statement = sql_statement.replace(default_db_name, obia4rtm_db_name) # run the statement to create the database try: cursor.execute(sql_statement) con.commit() except (DatabaseError, ProgrammingError) as err: print("Setup of DB '{0}' failed!\nReason: {1}".format( obia4rtm_db_name, err)) # close the connection as it won't be used anymore close_db_connection(con, cursor) return 0
[docs] def enable_extensions(self): """ enables PostGIS and HSTORE extension required for OBIA4RTM """ # connect to the created database self.__con, self.__cursor = connect_db() # enable the PostGIS extension sql = "CREATE EXTENSION PostGIS;" try: self.__cursor.execute(sql) self.__con.commit() except (ProgrammingError, DatabaseError): print("PostGIS setup failed!") sys.exit(-1) # enable the HSTORE extension sql = "CREATE EXTENSION HSTORE;" try: self.__cursor.execute(sql) self.__con.commit() except (ProgrammingError, DatabaseError): print("HSTORE setup failed!") sys.exit(-1)
[docs] def setup_public_tables(self): """ setups all those tables, that are required in the public schema of the OBIa4RTM backend database """ # the following tables are in the public schema and are created # by the according sql-scripts # the s2_bands table is a bit special and follows public_tables = ['s2_landuse.sql', 'scene_metadata.sql'] # '--' indicates comments comment = '--' # loop over scripts for sql_file in public_tables: sql_file = self.sql_home + os.sep + 'Tables' + os.sep + sql_file try: fopen = open(sql_file, "r") lines = fopen.readlines() fopen.close() except IOError as err: print('Failed to read the SQL-script{0}\nReason: {1}'.format( sql_file, err)) # extract the SQL statement sql_statement = [''.join(f.replace("\n","")) for f in lines if comment not in f] sql_statement = ''.join(map(str, sql_statement)) try: self.__cursor.execute(sql_statement) self.__con.commit() except (DatabaseError, ProgrammingError) as err: print("Execution of script '{0}' failed!\nReason: {1}".format( sql_file, err)) # end loop # now read in the Sentinel-2 bands sql script and execute it s2_band_table = self.sql_home + os.sep + 'Tables' + os.sep + 's2_bands.sql' try: fopen = open(s2_band_table, "r") lines = fopen.readlines() fopen.close() except IOError as err: print('Failed to read the SQL-script{0}\nReason: {1}'.format( sql_file, err)) # extract the sql-statement sql_statement = [''.join(f.replace("\n","")) for f in lines if comment not in f] # the first 12 lines form the first statement for creating the table sql_statement_1 = sql_statement[0:12] sql_statement_1 = ''.join(map(str, sql_statement_1)) try: self.__cursor.execute(sql_statement_1) self.__con.commit() except (DatabaseError, ProgrammingError) as err: print("Execution of script '{0}' failed!\nReason: {1}".format( sql_file, err)) # the next lines must be executed line by line as they populate the # table created above with the necessary data sql_statement = sql_statement[14::] # iterate over the single lines(=SQL statements) to populate the table for sql in sql_statement: # leave out empty lines if sql == '': continue try: self.__cursor.execute(sql) self.__con.commit() except (DatabaseError, ProgrammingError) as err: print(err) self.__con.rollback() continue
# end iterate over statements
[docs] def setup_public_functions(self): """ setups the RMSE function used in OBIA4RTM for doing the inversion """ # name and location of the sql script with RMSe function sql_file = self.sql_home + os.sep + 'Queries_Functions' + os.sep + 'rmse_function.sql' try: fopen = open(sql_file, "r") lines = fopen.readlines() fopen.close() except IOError as err: print('Failed to read the SQL-script{0}\nReason: {1}'.format( sql_file, err)) # '--' indicates comments comment = '--' sql_statement = [''.join(f.replace("\n","")) for f in lines if comment not in f] sql_statement = ''.join(map(str, sql_statement)) try: self.__cursor.execute(sql_statement) self.__con.commit() except (DatabaseError, ProgrammingError) as err: print("Execution of script '{0}' failed!\nReason: {1}".format( sql_file, err))
[docs] def setup_backend(self): """ runs the whole setup-procedure for creating the OBIA4RTM backend """ # first the OBIA4RTM database needs to be created print('Settting up OBIA4RTM PostgreSQL backend') status = self.create_OBIA4RTM_DB() if status != 0: print('OBIA4RTM backend setup failed!') sys.exit(-1) # enable the PostGIS and Hstore extensions self.enable_extensions() # then create the public tables and functions self.setup_public_tables() self.setup_public_functions() # at the end, close the database connection close_db_connection(self.__con, self.__cursor) print('Successfully set up OBIA4RTM backend!')